You will be promoted to complete the other required forms after the completion of this registration.
Please note, if you decide to pay with a different method other than online, all payments must be paid in full at evaluations/skill night. If you are in need of an extension please contact the Program Director, Terrance King or the Assistant Director, Jenae Marchand.
Please make checks payable to: BCRC Basketball.
Any questions regarding financial assistance, please visit our FAQs page.
After completing this form you will be directed to complete the other four forms required to complete your registration packet. All online payments can be made at the end of completing the documents or by clicking the "payment" button under the registration tab located on the top menu.
This form must be completed in its entirety.
The following 4 documents must accompany your registration:
- Medical Waiver Form
- Player’s Code of Conduct
- Parents Code of Conduct
- Uniform Order form (if needed)
These documents can be found after the completion of this form. The Player Code of Conduct requires your child's signature.
Medical Waiver: As the parent/guardian of the above mentioned child, I authorize my child’s participation in all activities of the Rec Council. I assume all risks incidentals to such participation both during an activity and in route, and do hereby hold harmless the county commissioner, the city of Frederick, Department of Parks and Rec, and Ballenger Creek Rec Council, and the staff, coaches, volunteers, and participants. I grant permission for emergency 1st aid to be administered to my child. (Medical Waiver form must be signed and turned in.)
I understand that I must turn in all forms before registration is considered complete and that my child will not be assigned to a team until all forms are on file. Please email all questions to or by clicking here.
Checks returned from the bank will carry a $35.00 return fee and result in the suspension of the player from all team activities until the situation is resolved.
NO REFUNDS. See FAQ’s on the website for REFUND POLICY.
If you are not promoted to the confirmation page, review form to see if you are missing something